“If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change.”

- Wayne Dyer

Hi, I’m Lisa.


I offer health & wellness coaching with a focus on feeling good, starting today. Together we will uncover how you want to feel and why it matters. Because feeling good is your north star, guiding you to what you deeply desire and what supports you.

From here, improving your health & wellness can transform from something you have to do into something you want to do.

It’s not just about getting to the right place. It’s about getting the right you to that place.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You wish your health were better, but it’s hard to make changes that stick.

  • You want to break free from sugar and processed foods.

  • You have a health condition (or a few) that you’re having trouble managing.

  • Your lifestyle is causing low energy, brain fog, or mood swings.

  • You feel you don’t have the time, energy, tools, or willpower to truly prioritize your well-being.

  • Trying to be well doesn’t make you feel good.

  • You feel ok, but you are ready to level up to feeling great.

Let’s transform living well into something you truly enjoy.


Together, we can help you shift from:

  • Deprived… to nourished and satisfied

  • Ruled by food cravings… to happily choosing whole foods that feed your body, mind, and spirit

  • Stressed, tired, burned out… to calm, rested, and more energized

  • Stuck and overwhelmed… to creative and at ease

  • Alone, unsure how to make move forward… to connected with yourself and others, empowered to prioritize what matters most